Welcome To Aspal International School
ASPAL’ in Italy is known as a mixture that serves as a LAYER OF FLEXIBILITY.

Aspal International is committed to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need.
Providing a safe, hygienic and warm stimulating environment with age appropriate curriculum and activities
Respect children, educators and all members of our community. Think and act with honesty and integrity,

Guiding The Young Generation To Success.
We take pride in saying at Aspal children are nurtured to make them flexible, be life-long learners and respect them as unique individuals, innate with limitless potential, curious and interested in their world around them. We acknowledge children as sophisticated thinkers and communicators, adopting hundreds of languages to share their thoughts and feelings. We embrace our role in providing a safe, secure and stimulating environment, where curiosity can be celebrated, understanding enhanced, and reciprocal conversations with trained facilitators encouraged.
Our Services
Clear Focus and High Expectation:
Clear focus and high expectations for staff and students are defining features and foundation to motivate the entire school community and inspire its members to strive constantly to ensure the success of every student.
Let your child attend Aspal to help your child develop comprehensively in all aspects.
Every student is unique and every group of students is different. Diversity in schools is a given and it creates opportunities for growth and better connection in personal, social and academic achievement. It can present challenges for teachers, students and their parents.
Seeking the perspectives of students ensures they make a meaningful contribution to their schooling and educational experience. The ability to have a voice influences both student participation and agency. When students are given a platform to share their voice, schools gain insider knowledge and better understand the student experience. It sends a clear message that student engagement is important
Students of all capabilities have the opportunity to grow and learn.This means providing each student and parent with access to accurate information on their learning through ongoing formative and summative assessment of each student’s progress
Good teaching is good teaching for all not just for some.
Teachers have the 3Hs: the heart (commitment), the head (critical knowledge) and hands (practical strategies).Teachers fully committed to include all learners and understand inclusive practices benefit all students, regardless if they have additional needs. Strategies are used that make classrooms more engaging, and it can lead to improved professional satisfaction.
Wys Aspal
Apal has been founded, and is run by, individuals who are passionate about education, and see the opportunity to nurture the minds of the future.
What sets us apart:
Safety and Security
Interested in good preschool education for your child? Our Aspal is the right decision!